Franco D'Alberton Massimo Di Grazia

Variations in sex characteristics and intersexuality

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Variations of Sex Characteristics (VCS), better known so far as DSD (Differences in Sexual Development) or Intersexuality conditions, refer to people born with congenital variations of sexual characteristics, such as reproductive organs, genitals, hormonal values and/or sex chromosomes, are more varied than the medical and social binary concept of female and male bodies. In this work we will take into consideration the changes in the medical and psychological management of these conditions, aiming to shift from a paternalistic attitude to one that is less invasive and more respectful of the individuality of the person concerned, postponing non-urgent or necessary interventions until that the person, fully informed, can be involved in the therapeutic choices and decision-making process regarding their care. Being in line with bioethical indications requires collaborative work between a group of carers, parents and those directly involved, which often involves having to support situations of uncertainty, moving away from a strictly binary vision of human sexuality and accessing a dimension of listening in which psychoanalytic thinking can make a substantial contribution


  • VCS
  • DSD
  • intersex
  • intersexuality


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