Journal of Arts and Law Online



Aedon accepts submissions from scholars, professors, practitioners, judges, legislators. It is preferred that articles should be sent as an email attachment (preferably in Microsoft word format) to our Editorial Office. They should be original, unpublished works and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The final decision on publication rests with the Editorial Board after submissions are refereed. We hope to respond within two weeks. We will notify authors of the decision by email. Articles may be written in Italian, English, French and Spanish. An abstract of no more than 150 words [written in English] should be included with all submissions. It is a condition of publication in Aedon that license is assigned to Mulino publisher. Authors may use their own material in other publications provided that Aedon is acknowledged as the original place of publication. The first page must include: title of article; author(s) name and full address (including email, for contacts by readers). The name of the author(s) should appear at the beginning immediately under the title, with an asterisked foot note giving the present position of the author(s). Footnotes should be kept brief as possible. The suggested lenght for articles is between 2000 and  6000 words.


Editorial office: Antonella Sau (
For general questions, write to:

Aedon is an open access journal with a licence. More informations are available by Sherpa/Romeo.

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