Rivista di cultura psicoanalitica

About this journal

About this journal

Psiche is a biannual journal of the Società Psicoanalitica Italiana. The journal aims to participate in the contemporary cultural debate through the contributions of psychoanalysts and scholars from various disciplines. Psiche was established and directed by Nicola Perrotti in 1948. Since then, considerable attention has been devoted to the psychological aspects of social life. For this reason, the journal was – and still is – intended for a wide audience of readers, providing a valuable tool for the analysis of the present and its transformations. The editorial board is composed of distinguished psychoanalysts, anthropologists, philosophers, historians and scholars. The journal is open to interdisciplinary dialogue and publishes articles that cut across different fields of knowledge.

Editorial board

Editor in chief Stefania Nicasi Assistant editors anna Berlincioni, Chiara Cattelan, Anna Cordioli, Fabio Dei, Lorenzo D'Orsi, Andrea Giorgianni, Valentina Li Volsi, Martino Rossi Monti, Anatolia Salone, Cristina Saottini, Rossella Vaccaro Scientific board Maurizio Balsamo, Fethi Benslama, Maurizio Bettini, Raffaele Bianchetti, Nicoletta Bonanome, Giovanni Bottiroli, Fulvio Carmagnola, Bernard Chervet, Simona Costa, Sophie de Mijolla, Anna Ferruta, Giovanni Foresti, Serge Frisch, Murielle Gagnebin, Tebaldo Galli, Patrizia Guarnieri, Patrick Guyomard, Marcel Henaff, Laurence Khan, François Jullien, Antonello La Vergata, Gaetano Lettieri, Giovanni Levi, Michela Marzano, Emilio Mazza, Francesco Napolitano, Thomas Ogden, Paolo Francesco Pieri, Carmine Pisano, Georges Pragier, Jacques Press, Lorena Preta, Mario Rossi Monti, Dominique Scarfone, Roberto Secchi, Giulia Sissa, Sergio Vitale, Eli Zaretsky Editorial office Alessandra D’Agostino