Massimiliano Costa

New Heutagogical Models for Continuing Education. The Subjective Right to Education and Training and the Development of the Enabling Agency for the Digital Transition


Today the new work processes, connected and integrated with artificial intelligence, design real adaptive-transformative ecosystems in which workers’ upskilling and reskilling needs emerge (OCSE, 2021, PNNR 2021, INAPP, 2021; ANPAL, 2020). The essay highlights the pedagogical models transformation for continuing education in an heutagogical and capable key as a basis for a full subjective right to training in the digital transition. The heutagogical model (Hase, Blaschke, 2021) for learning expresses fundamental educational values such as conscious participation, self-determination and the freedom of personal realization of the worker. These are the dimensions that, by combining learning (Margiotta, 2015) with the subjective right to education and training, support an inclusive human development model starting from the creation of digital learning ecosystems.


  • Heutagogy
  • Agency
  • Capability
  • Pedagogical Models


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