Elena Nicolussi Neff

Active labor market policies through services of general interest: the example of «Progettone» in the Autonomous Province of Trento

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«Progettone» represents, for the Autonomous Province of Trento, one of the main active labor market policies. The main characteristic of «progettone » is that it aims to the provision of two services of general interest: access to and reintegration into the labor market of disadvantaged workers, which is achieved through professional training and retraining but also by employing the workers in the execution of further services of general interest, such as the maintenance of green areas or the conservation of cultural, archival and museum heritage, carried out in favor of the Province or of other public entities.


  • Progettone
  • active labor market policies
  • services of general interest
  • access to and reintegration into the labour market
  • disadvantaged workers


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