Anna Emilia Berti

Comment on the article by Furio Lambruschi

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The choice of «affirmative» therapies derives from the ban on those aimed at reconciling children with their sex, called «conversion» in analogy to those aimed at changing the sexual orientation of homosexual people. The ban on «conversion» therapies for trans children is based on the thesis that there are many sexual identities, all equally healthy. This thesis does not derive from scientific data, but from the success of the actions of the International Network for Trans Depathologization. This thesis has received support from medical organizations and political bodies (such as UN and EU) also thanks to the diffusion of an ideology inspired by post-modernism. It is urgent to reflect on these issues with an open mind and to be aware of ideological biases.


  • Gender Dysphoria
  • affirmative model
  • conversion therapy


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