Elisabetta Patrizi

«Con la sinistra mano terrà un libro aperto, nel quale miri attentamente, con la destra una penna da scrivere et gli sarà a canto un lume acceso e un gallo»: The model student in the Modi studendi between the 15th and 16th century. A comparative study

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After first presenting the main characteristics and purposes of Catholic didactical literature, the paper provides a comparative analysis of certain «modi studendi», published between the late 16th century and the early 17th century in order to evidence key themes of the genre. In particular, it focuses on the «Idea dello scolare» by Cesare Crispolti, «Lo scolare» by Bartolomeo Meduna, «Gli aforismi scolastici» (1603), «Il giovane studente» (1594) by Orazio Lombardelli and «Lo scolaro» by Annibale Roero (1604). These are a few examples that enjoyed a certain degree of success at the time and represent well the peculiarities of the strand of educational treatises aimed at university students


  • Educational treatises (16th-17th cent.) –
  • Counter-Reformation –
  • History of education –
  • Modi studendi


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