Eleonora Todde

From paper to 3D printing: A digital communication proposal for drawings by pupils of Gaetano Cima

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This paper illustrates the initial results of the research project «Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Cultural Heritage. Drawings and Design Models of Gaetano Cima’s School» (Bank of Sardinia Foundation, year 2021, scientific director prof. Andrea Pirinu). The project sees the collaboration between professors of Scientific Representation and Documentation Science in order to valorise a corpus of 41degree theses, written by pupils of the architect Gaetano Cima between 1843 and 1864 at the Royal University of Cagliari. The project examines theses housed in the archives over the years and the developments at the School of Architecture that they reflect. It then illustrates hypotheses for digital communication through experimentation of 3D models, both standard and BIM.


  • University of Cagliari
  • Historical archives
  • Gaetano Cima
  • Digitalization
  • History of architecture


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