Annali di Storia delle università italiane


Founded in 1997 by Gian Paolo Brizzi, the «Annali di Storia delle università italiane» are intended as a meeting point for discussion and information for those who, despite the diversity of historiographical approaches and the multiplicity of disciplines of belonging, deal with subjects related to the history of Italian universities. Since 2015, the journal has a new look and a six-monthly periodicity. The first issue contains a monographic section, every year dedicated to a different theme; a section on cultural heritage of universities (Beni culturali delle università: Archivi, biblioteche, musei); reviews (Schede); newsletter(Notiziario). The second issue of each year hosts a section dedicated to studies and research on universities of other countries (Outside Italy); a section of general studies (Studi); reviews (Schede); a systematic bibliographyof History of Italian universities (Bibliografia); newsletter(Notiziario).

Referees 2015-2016

Referees 2017-2018


Referees 2019-2020

Referees 2021-2022


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