Mariapia Comand Martina Zanco

The «Distracted Artist» and the «Absent-Minded Adulteress». Monica Vitti’s Italian-style Comedies from the 1960s to the 1980s

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The aim of this article is to study the Italian comedies in which Monica Vitti starred between the 1960s and the 1980s from a new point of view. In particular, it aims to reconstruct the actress’s professional attitude throughout her work in this genre – how she constructed her career and her image, her self-representation – in comparison with her public profile and within the framework of production culture studies. Combining the perspectives of production studies, discourse and content analysis, the study develops a methodological system to examine diverse materials, ranging from archival documents to publicity: reviews, articles about the actress, monographs, autobiographies, etc. Divided into some of its constituent elements (public discourse, professional strategies, roles defined by the production environment), Vitti’s comedic work reveals itself as a heuristically stratified object, marked simultaneously by contrasting thrusts and recurring elements. It is more elusive and complex than it appears at first glance


  • Monica Vitti
  • Comedy
  • Italian Style
  • Production Studies
  • Italian Film Industry
  • Gender Studies


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