International Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscapes


L’avventura. International Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscapes is a new cinema and media studies journal. L’avventura aims at positioning itself at the heart of the contemporary debate on Italian visual and media culture, its history and its present characteristics. The journal’s main areas of interest include: Patterns, styles, figures: the evolution of styles and patterns, themes and narratives; the relationship between film and other art and communication practices; modes of production and industrial forms / Archive: film and media archives, as much as oral sources / Differences: local, national, gender and generational identities as shaped and moulded in cinema and media discourse / Spectatorship: reception and audience studies within the Italian context, or related to the Italian media products circulating abroad / Camera: the history and present of Italian photography, as related to visual and media culture / Contemporary tale: a fresh look onto contemporary narrative patterns within Italian media production.



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