International Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscapes



Submit you article.


Submissions will be solicited through call for papers. Articles should be submitted via the submission platform available at https://submission.rivisteweb. en/index.php/avv in .docx or .doc format. Articles will be sent for reading to at least two referees for anonymous evaluation. The Editors of the Journal, in consultation with the Editorial Board, choose the referees on a case-by-case basis. The reasoned opinion of the referees, favorable or unfavorable to publication, will be communicated (anonymously as well) to the authors. The evaluation of contributions will be based on the following criteria: relevance of the topics covered, originality, clarity of exposition, knowledge of the existing literature, and methodological accuracy. The Editors undertake to communicate an initial decision to the authors within three months from the date of receipt of the article; in case of a favorable decision, the Editors will inform the author in which issue of the journal the accepted contribution will be published.

Guidelines for authors


Editorial board: lavventura.direttivo@gmail.com

Rights and authorizationsAuthors having a contribution accepted for publication must fill and sign this letter of authorization. The letter must be returned to the Journal. If the letter is not returned, the contribution may be precluded its being published.
Policies regarding re-use of articles can be found also on Sherpa/Romeo.

Il Mulino adopts and promotes specific guidelines about publishing ethics.