Leonardo Terrusi

For a History of the deonymic Quarantotto, with a new documentation on a fourteenth-century forerunner

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The article traces the history of quarantotto as a noun with the event-related meaning of ‘events of 1848’ and the transferred meaning of ‘chaos, confusion, etc.’, evaluating the relationship between the two meanings and reconstructing the 18th and 19th-century stages of its diffusion and various diasystematic marking, thanks to the examination of new documentation and the conceptual framework provided by the categories of emeronym and deonym; finally, it hypothesizes the existence of a previous quarantotto, possessing the same semantic values, referring to the year of the great ‘morìa’ of 1348.


  • deonymics
  • lexicalization
  • Risorgimento
  • Black Death
  • 1848
  • 1348


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