Francesca Falcone Antonio Samà Valentina Filice

Learning to co-design. The action research contribution to social work research

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The article presents and discusses the research process and the results of an action research for facilitating and supporting a co-design process for a Local Service Delivery Plan in a Calabrian Territorial Social Area. The article starts with a description of social planning following also the recent Italian legislation on Third Sector. The principles and practice of the chosen methodology are discussed, and the action research process is analysed giving particular attention to: 1. stages and activities of the research; 2. critical aspects and opportunities of the co-design process; 3. the learning achieved by the local system. The action research has on one hand, supported the co-design of an integrated system of interventions and social services and, on the other, the creation of reflective opportunities for addressing “thornyµ issues emerged in the local context


  • co-design
  • networks of social services
  • action research
  • system’
  • s change
  • Local Service Delivery Plan


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