Sandra D'Agostino Francesco Giubileo Silvia Vaccaro

The Progressive Expansion of Apprenticeships to Promote Training and Employment for Adults

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For some years now, Europe has seen an expansion of apprenticeship beneficiaries to include adults. Under the pressure of demographic change and technological innovation, some European countries are trying to adapt their dual systems to the specific needs of adults, with particular reference to low-skilled ones, with the aim of promoting the development of basic and occupational skills required by the labour market and of strengthening the employability of this group of users. The analysis of these transformation processes – conducted as part of a study carried out by INAPP through the analysis of the scientific literature and available institutional reports – allows for the identification of the elements that favour/hinder the presence of adults in apprenticeships. Reflecting on these elements might make it possible to draw indications to extend apprenticeships to the adult population in Italy as well


  • apprenticeship
  • dual system
  • adults
  • training
  • employment


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