Giuseppe Iuzzolino Antonella Scatigno Giulia Tosi

Extracurricular Traineeships. Trends and Perspectives of a Complex Measure

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The extracurricular traineeship is an active labour market policy measure consisting of a limited period of on-the-job training, which has been the subject of debate and dispute for several years now. For some, it is an important tool for improving the employability of young people; for others, it is too often used in an unlawful way, thus engendering precariousness rather than employment. The aim of this article is to provide an overall analysis of this tool, based, on the one hand, on a review of the evolution of the regulatory framework, and, on the other, on the analysis of the results of the implementation of the tool. Finally, some reflections are provided on the main critical issues of the Italian traineeship system.


  • traineeship
  • on-the-job training
  • active labour market policies


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