Malde Vigneri

Zoe loves Sirens. A psychoanalytic look at the transgender world in dialogue with a multidisciplinary team

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The author narrates how, driven by the analytic experience with some transgender and transsexual patients with the aim of verifying the elements that emerged during the psychoanalytic process in a broader range of cases, she began to collaborate with the multidisciplinary team of the Gender dysphoria at the Palermo Polyclinic. In particular, the author talks about the experience, trying to explain and describe how being able to identify significant ideas from a psychoanalytic perspective in the extra-analytic field has favored a deepening of group work, a refinement of listening and an experience of collaboration. and sharing with the team. Fragments of consultation interviews with young transsexuals are reported in a specifically psychoanalytic reading


  • Oedipal combination
  • the question of the name
  • psychic bisexuality
  • impersonation


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