Politica del diritto


Politica del diritto has broken the isolation of the study of law in respect of the wider political and cultural framework, brought about by the adoption of new methodology, which is quite different from the traditional abstract legal thinking which is more concerned with technicalities, and thanks to a deeper perception and participation to the changes inside Italian society. Now in its thirty-ninth year Politica del diritto has become a fundamental observation point of the legal, political, and institutional debate within our country. This review presents unconventional views of the relationship between institutional actors, law making processes, and social environment. Moreover it dedicates particular attention to institutional reforms, the policies of the European Community and of other international institutions along with the international circulation of legal models, and critical analysis of existing law.

«Politica del diritto» was founded in 1970 by Giuliano Amato, Sabino Cassese, Gino Giugni, Federico Mancini and Stefano Rodotà, who was Editor in Chief from 1971 to 2017.

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