Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica
Rivista trimestrale


The growing presence of religion in the public sphere requires adequate instruments of governance. This journal aims at providing an updated and exhaustive picture of the evolution of the legal relationship between state and religion in Italy and abroad. The legal status of Islam and other religious communities living in Europe, marriage and family law, the place of religious symbols in the public space, State financing of religious communities, new religious movements are some of the topics discussed in the journal. Each year four numbers are published. The first contains scholarly analysis of Church-State relations; the second collects and comments the most important documents concerning State-Church relations in Italy and worldwide; the third collects and comments the most important decisions of the Italian and European courts, with particular attention to the European Court of Human Rights. The fourth (the special issue of Daimon) deals with the comparative law of religions and is an essential aid to understanding the rights of faiths and beliefs in multicultural and multireligious societies.

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