L'Uomo Società Tradizione Sviluppo

About this journal


In the wake of Boissevan’s prophetic belief, expressing that Europe “is, anthropologically speaking, an undiscovered field”, the journal shows anthropology’s new specializations and it claims new way of applying these studies, taking in account the inescapable connection between theory and practice in anthropology, and also anthropology’s fruitful interaction with social and historical disciplines, in an unitary perspective of twine among human sciences.


Editor in chief Mariano Pavanello Editorial Committee Antonino Colajanni, Anna Iuso, Alessandro Lupo, Antonello Ricci, Pino Schirripa, Alberto Sobrero Review editor Antonino Colajanni Editorial assistants Michela Guerrato, Elisa Vasconi, Alessio Catalini, Francesca Cerbini, Mariaclaudia Cristofano, Erica Eugeni, Stefano Maltese, Evelyne Van Heck.