
Psicologia sociale aims at being the instrument for spreading and applying the knowledge acquired through national and international socio-psychological research. During its first years of life it reached a considerable success, thanks to the variety of discussed topics. 
The journal is structured in a “Debates” section, in which a topic particularly relevant for the discipline is presented and discussed; “Reviews”, in which the state of the art of a specific research field is taken into account; a “Focus”, proposed by some of the most prominent international scholars; a section including “Studies and Research”, subjected to a careful scientific selection. Finally, an “Instruments” section is present, with the aim of illustrating tools and techniques useful to collect and analyse data through heuristically efficient methods. The contributions welcomed by the journal are not only referred to social psychology in a strict sense, but also to the fields of work and organization, environment, community and politics. Although proposing itself as a scientific tool, “Psicologia Sociale” also focuses on problems relevant to social life; for this reason, it is addressed to a non specialized public too.

Referees 2019

Referees 2020

Referees 2021

Referees 2022

Journal Metrics: SCIMAGO Journal Rank (SJR) = 0,32 (2020) Detailed SJR indicators 

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